Identify common denominator: First, let's identify the common denominator for the fractions on both sides of the equation. The common denominator is 6x.
Multiply by common denominator: Now, we will multiply each term by the common denominator 6x to clear the fractions:6x×(−61)+6x×(xx−3)=6x×(6x7)
Simplify each term: Simplify each term:−1×x+6×(x−3)=7
Distribute the 6: Distribute the 6 in the second term: −x+6x−18=7
Combine like terms: Combine like terms: 5x−18=7
Add 18 to isolate: Add 18 to both sides to isolate the term with x:5x=7+18
Simplify right side: Simplify the right side: 5x=25
Divide both sides: Divide both sides by 5 to solve for x: x=525
Simplify the division: Simplify the division: x=5
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