Combine Fractions: Combine the fractions on the left side of the equation over a common denominator.To find a common denominator, multiply the denominators (d+6) and (d−3) with each other.Common denominator = (d+6)(d−3)Rewrite the equation with the common denominator.(d+6)(d−3)(5)(d−3)−(d+6)(d−3)(2)(d+6)=0
Find Common Denominator: Distribute the numerators over their respective brackets.Multiply 5 with (d−3) and 2 with (d+6).5(d−3)−2(d+6)=05d−15−2d−12=0
Distribute Numerators: Combine like terms on the left side of the equation.Combine the d terms and the constant terms.(5d−2d)−(15+12)=03d−27=0
Combine Like Terms: Isolate the variable d. To isolate d, add 27 to both sides of the equation. 3d−27+27=0+273d=27
Isolate Variable: Solve for d.Divide both sides by 3 to find the value of d.33d=327d=9
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