Identify Decimal Place: Identify the digit in the fifth decimal place.In the number 44.523199402, the fifth decimal place is occupied by the digit '9'.
Check for Rounding: Look at the digit to the right of the fifth decimal place to determine if we need to round up.The digit to the right of the fifth decimal place is 9, which is greater than or equal to 5. Therefore, we will round up the fifth decimal place by 1.
Round to 5 Decimals: Round the number to 5 decimal places.Since the digit to the right is 9, we increase the fifth decimal place from 9 to 10. However, 10 is not a single digit, so we need to carry over the 1 to the fourth decimal place, which is also a 9. This process continues until we reach a digit that is not 9, which in this case is the third decimal place 3. So, the third decimal place becomes 4, and the fourth and fifth decimal places become 0. The rounded number is now 90.