Q. Order the following numbers from least to greatest.1311001271.4
Convert to decimals: Convert all numbers to decimals to make comparison easier.131 is a mixed number, which can be converted to a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator and adding it to the whole number. So, 131=1+31=1+0.333...≈1.333.100127 is a fraction that can be converted to a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator. So, 100127= is already in decimal form.
Compare decimal values: Compare the decimal values of each number.We have 1.333, 1.27, and 1.4.Comparing these decimals, we can see that 1.27 is the smallest, 1.333 is the next largest, and 1.4 is the largest.
Write in order: Write the numbers in order from least to greatest based on the comparison.The order from least to greatest is 100127, 131, 1.4.