Q. Find the smallest number by which 3645 must be divided so that it becomes a perfect square. Also, find the square root of the resulting number.
Factorize 3645: To find the smallest number by which 3645 must be divided to make it a perfect square, we first need to factorize 3645 into its prime factors.3645=3×3×3×3×3×5
Identify Prime Factors: We can see that 3645 has the prime factors 3 and 5. For a number to be a perfect square, all the prime factors must be in pairs. In the prime factorization of 3645, the number 5 is not in a pair.
Divide by 5: To make 3645 a perfect square, we need to divide it by 5, because this will leave us with only the prime factor 3, which is already in pairs (four pairs of 3).3645÷5=729
Find Square Root: Now, we need to find the square root of the resulting number, which is 729. Since 729 is a perfect square (3×3×3×3), its square root will be the product of pairs of the prime factor.Square root of 729=3×3=9
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