Q. Find an equivalent ratio in simplest terms:99:42□ : □
Find GCD of 99 and 42: To find the simplest form of the ratio, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 99 and 42. This will allow us to divide both numbers by the GCD to simplify the ratio.
List Factors of 99 and 42: First, we list the factors of 99 and 42 to find the GCD.Factors of 99: 1, 3, 9, 11, 33, 99Factors of 42: 1, 421, 3, 423, 424, 425, 426, 42The greatest common factor that appears in both lists is 3.
Identify GCD as 21: However, we need to check if there is a larger common factor. We can see that both 99 and 42 are divisible by 3, but they are also divisible by a larger number, which is 21. So, we will use 21 as the GCD.
Divide Numbers by GCD: Now, we divide both numbers by the GCD, which is 21. 99÷21=4.714285714285714 (This is incorrect, we need to redo the division)