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Stephanie is twice as old as her sister Rosa. If Stephanie is 18 years old, how old is Rosa?

Stephanie is twice as old as her sister Rosa. If Stephanie is 18 \mathbf{1 8} years old, how old is Rosa?

Full solution

Q. Stephanie is twice as old as her sister Rosa. If Stephanie is 18 \mathbf{1 8} years old, how old is Rosa?
  1. Understand Relationship: Understand the relationship between Stephanie's and Rosa's ages.\newlineStephanie is twice as old as Rosa. This means that Stephanie's age is 22 times Rosa's age.
  2. Set Up Equation: Set up the equation to represent the relationship.\newlineLet Rosa's age be represented by RR. Then Stephanie's age is 2×R2 \times R.\newlineSince we know Stephanie is 1818 years old, we can write the equation as 2×R=182 \times R = 18.
  3. Solve for R: Solve the equation for R to find Rosa's age.\newlineDivide both sides of the equation by 22 to isolate R.\newline2×R2=182\frac{2 \times R}{2} = \frac{18}{2}\newlineR=9R = 9

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