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Direction (Q. Nos. 25-30) This section contains 6 questions. When fom 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
25 The function 
f:[2,oo)rarr Y defined by 
f(x)==x^(2)-4x+5 is both one-one and onto, if 
Y in[a,oo), then the value of 
a is
26 If 
f(x)=((4a-7)/(3))x^(3)+(a-3)x^(2)+x+5 is one-one function, where 
a in[lambda,mu], then the value of 
|lambda-mu| is
27 Let 
f be a one-one function with domain 
{x,y,z} and range 
{1,2,3}. It is given the exactly one of the following statements is true and remaining two are false, 
f(x)=1,f(y)!=-1,f(z)!=2, then 
f(y) is
28. If 
n(A)=4,n(B)=5, number of functions from 
A to 
B such that range contains exactly 3 elements is 
k, then the value of 
(k)/( 60) is
29 If 
A={1,2,3},B={1,3,5,7,9}, then 
(" Number of one-one functions ")/(" Number of strictly monotonic functions ") is equal to
30 If 
f(x) be a polynomial of degree 4 with leading coefficient 1 satisfying 
f(2)=20,f(3)=30, where 
f(12)+f(-8)=(3968)lambda, then the value of 
lambda is

Direction (Q. Nos. 252530-30) This section contains 66 questions. When fom 00 to 99 (both inclusive).\newline2525 The function f:[2,)Y f:[2, \infty) \rightarrow Y defined by f(x)==x24x+5 f(x)==x^{2}-4 x+5 is both one-one and onto, if Y[a,) Y \in[a, \infty) , then the value of a a is\newline2626 If f(x)=(4a73)x3+(a3)x2+x+5 f(x)=\left(\frac{4 a-7}{3}\right) x^{3}+(a-3) x^{2}+x+5 is one-one function, where a[λ,μ] a \in[\lambda, \mu] , then the value of λμ |\lambda-\mu| is\newline2727 Let f f be a one-one function with domain {x,y,z} \{x, y, z\} and range {1,2,3} \{1,2,3\} . It is given the exactly one of the following statements is true and remaining two are false, f(x)==x24x+5 f(x)==x^{2}-4 x+5 00, then f(x)==x24x+5 f(x)==x^{2}-4 x+5 11 is\newline2828. If f(x)==x24x+5 f(x)==x^{2}-4 x+5 22, number of functions from f(x)==x24x+5 f(x)==x^{2}-4 x+5 33 to f(x)==x24x+5 f(x)==x^{2}-4 x+5 44 such that range contains exactly 33 elements is f(x)==x24x+5 f(x)==x^{2}-4 x+5 55, then the value of f(x)==x24x+5 f(x)==x^{2}-4 x+5 66 is\newline2929 If f(x)==x24x+5 f(x)==x^{2}-4 x+5 77, then f(x)==x24x+5 f(x)==x^{2}-4 x+5 88 is equal to\newline3030 If f(x)==x24x+5 f(x)==x^{2}-4 x+5 99 be a polynomial of degree 44 with leading coefficient 11 satisfying Y[a,) Y \in[a, \infty) 00, Y[a,) Y \in[a, \infty) 11, where Y[a,) Y \in[a, \infty) 22, then the value of Y[a,) Y \in[a, \infty) 33 is

Full solution

Q. Direction (Q. Nos. 252530-30) This section contains 66 questions. When fom 00 to 99 (both inclusive).\newline2525 The function f:[2,)Y f:[2, \infty) \rightarrow Y defined by f(x)==x24x+5 f(x)==x^{2}-4 x+5 is both one-one and onto, if Y[a,) Y \in[a, \infty) , then the value of a a is\newline2626 If f(x)=(4a73)x3+(a3)x2+x+5 f(x)=\left(\frac{4 a-7}{3}\right) x^{3}+(a-3) x^{2}+x+5 is one-one function, where a[λ,μ] a \in[\lambda, \mu] , then the value of λμ |\lambda-\mu| is\newline2727 Let f f be a one-one function with domain {x,y,z} \{x, y, z\} and range {1,2,3} \{1,2,3\} . It is given the exactly one of the following statements is true and remaining two are false, f(x)==x24x+5 f(x)==x^{2}-4 x+5 00, then f(x)==x24x+5 f(x)==x^{2}-4 x+5 11 is\newline2828. If f(x)==x24x+5 f(x)==x^{2}-4 x+5 22, number of functions from f(x)==x24x+5 f(x)==x^{2}-4 x+5 33 to f(x)==x24x+5 f(x)==x^{2}-4 x+5 44 such that range contains exactly 33 elements is f(x)==x24x+5 f(x)==x^{2}-4 x+5 55, then the value of f(x)==x24x+5 f(x)==x^{2}-4 x+5 66 is\newline2929 If f(x)==x24x+5 f(x)==x^{2}-4 x+5 77, then f(x)==x24x+5 f(x)==x^{2}-4 x+5 88 is equal to\newline3030 If f(x)==x24x+5 f(x)==x^{2}-4 x+5 99 be a polynomial of degree 44 with leading coefficient 11 satisfying Y[a,) Y \in[a, \infty) 00, Y[a,) Y \in[a, \infty) 11, where Y[a,) Y \in[a, \infty) 22, then the value of Y[a,) Y \in[a, \infty) 33 is
  1. Identify total elements: Identify the total number of elements in sets A and B.\newlinen(A) = 44 (elements in set A)\newlinen(B) = 55 (elements in set B)
  2. Calculate ways to choose: Calculate the number of ways to choose 33 elements from set BB to form the range of the function.\newlineNumber of ways to choose 33 elements from 55 = C(5,3)=5!3!×(53)!=10C(5, 3) = \frac{5!}{3! \times (5-3)!} = 10
  3. Determine surjective functions: Determine the number of surjective (onto) functions from a 44-element set to a 33-element set.\newlineEach element in AA must map to an element in the chosen 33-element subset of BB. The number of surjective functions is given by the Stirling numbers of the second kind, multiplied by 3!3! (to account for permutations of the range).\newlineNumber of surjective functions = 3!×S(4,3)3! \times S(4, 3) where S(n,k)S(n, k) is the Stirling number of the second kind.\newlineS(4,3)=6S(4, 3) = 6 (from Stirling numbers table)\newlineTotal surjective functions = 6×3!=366 \times 3! = 36
  4. Calculate total functions: Calculate the total number of functions kk.\newlineSince there are 1010 ways to choose the 33 elements from BB and 3636 surjective functions for each choice,\newlinek=10×36=360k = 10 \times 36 = 360
  5. Calculate value of (k)/(60)(k)/(60): Calculate the value of (k)/(60)(k)/(60).(k)/(60)=36060=6(k)/(60) = \frac{360}{60} = 6

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