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(29)/(10) into a mixed number.

Convert 2910 \frac{29}{10} into a mixed number.

Full solution

Q. Convert 2910 \frac{29}{10} into a mixed number.
  1. Divide numerator by denominator: To convert the improper fraction (29)/(10)(29)/(10) into a mixed number, we first divide the numerator by the denominator to find out how many whole numbers we can get.\newline29÷10=229 \div 10 = 2 with a remainder of 99.
  2. Find whole number part: The whole number part of the mixed number is the quotient from the division, which is 22.
  3. Find fractional part: The fractional part of the mixed number is the remainder over the original denominator, which is 910\frac{9}{10}.
  4. Combine whole and fractional parts: Combine the whole number part and the fractional part to get the mixed number.\newlineThe mixed number is 22 and 910\frac{9}{10}.

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