A florist is working on a wedding bouquet that uses 3 different types of flowers. In how many different orders can the various types of flowers be added to the bouquet?____ orders
Q. A florist is working on a wedding bouquet that uses 3 different types of flowers. In how many different orders can the various types of flowers be added to the bouquet?____ orders
Identify Flower Types: Identify the number of different types of flowers. The florist is using 3 different types of flowers for the wedding bouquet.
Determine Order Possibilities: Determine the number of different orders in which these flowers can be added.Since there are 3 different types of flowers, we need to find the number of permutations of these 3 items, which is given by 3! (3 factorial).
Calculate 3!: Calculate the value of 3!.Number of orders = 3!= 3×2×1= 6