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The formula for the distance traveled over time 
t and at an average speed 
v is 
Amit ran for 40 minutes at a speed of about 5 kilometers per hour.
What calculation will give us the estimated distance Amit ran in kilometers?
Choose 1 answer:

The formula for the distance traveled over time tt and at an average speed vv is vtv \cdot t. Amit ran for 4040 minutes at a speed of about 55 kilometers per hour. What calculation will give us the estimated distance Amit ran in kilometers? Choose 11 answer:\newline(A) 540605 \cdot 40 \cdot 60\newline(B) 51000405 \cdot 1000 \cdot 40\newline(C) 540605 \cdot \frac{40}{60}\newline(D) 5100040\frac{5}{1000} \cdot 40

Full solution

Q. The formula for the distance traveled over time tt and at an average speed vv is vtv \cdot t. Amit ran for 4040 minutes at a speed of about 55 kilometers per hour. What calculation will give us the estimated distance Amit ran in kilometers? Choose 11 answer:\newline(A) 540605 \cdot 40 \cdot 60\newline(B) 51000405 \cdot 1000 \cdot 40\newline(C) 540605 \cdot \frac{40}{60}\newline(D) 5100040\frac{5}{1000} \cdot 40
  1. Convert to Hours: Convert the running time from minutes to hours.\newlineAmit ran for 4040 minutes. Since there are 6060 minutes in an hour, we need to convert 4040 minutes into hours by dividing by 6060.\newlineCalculation: 4040 minutes ÷\div 6060 minutes/hour =23= \frac{2}{3} hours
  2. Use Distance Formula: Use the formula for distance, which is distance = speed ×\times time.\newlineAmit's speed is given as 55 kilometers per hour, and we have just calculated the time in hours as 23\frac{2}{3} hours.\newlineCalculation: Distance = 55 km/h ×\times 23\frac{2}{3} hours
  3. Perform Multiplication: Perform the multiplication to find the distance.\newlineCalculation: Distance = 5km/h×23hours=(5×23)km=103km5 \, \text{km/h} \times \frac{2}{3} \, \text{hours} = \left(5 \times \frac{2}{3}\right) \, \text{km} = \frac{10}{3} \, \text{km}
  4. Simplify Fraction: Simplify the fraction to find the distance in kilometers.\newlineCalculation: 103\frac{10}{3} km = 3.3333.333\ldots km
  5. Select Correct Option: Selection of the correct option.\newlineThe calculation that gives us the estimated distance Amit ran in kilometers is 55 kilometers per hour times the running time in hours (4040 minutes converted to hours), which is option (C) 5×(40/60)5 \times (40/60).

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