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Is the following number rational or irrational?

Choose 1 answer:
(A) Rational
(B) Irrational

Is the following number rational or irrational?\newlineπ5\frac{\pi}{5}\newlineChoose 11 answer:\newline(A) Rational\newline(B) Irrational

Full solution

Q. Is the following number rational or irrational?\newlineπ5\frac{\pi}{5}\newlineChoose 11 answer:\newline(A) Rational\newline(B) Irrational
  1. Nature of Pi: Evaluate the nature of the number pi. Pi (π\pi) is a well-known mathematical constant representing the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. It is an irrational number because it cannot be expressed as a fraction of two integers. Pi has a non-repeating, non-terminating decimal expansion.
  2. Nature of 55: Evaluate the nature of the number 55.\newlineThe number 55 is an integer, and any integer is a rational number because it can be expressed as a fraction where the denominator is 11 (51\frac{5}{1}).
  3. Division of Irrational by Rational: Determine the nature of the division of an irrational number by a rational number.\newlineDividing an irrational number by a rational number (other than zero) results in an irrational number. Since π\pi is irrational and 55 is rational, the quotient π5\frac{\pi}{5} is irrational.

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