Set up the division problem: Set up the division problem.We need to divide 9.882 by 81. We can write this as 9.882÷81.
Adjust the decimal point: Determine if we need to adjust the decimal point.Since 81 is a whole number and 9.882 has three decimal places, we do not need to adjust the decimal point before we begin the division.
Perform the division: Perform the division.We divide 9.882 by 81 as if they were whole numbers, keeping track of the decimal point's position in the dividend (9.882).
Calculate the division: Calculate the division.When we divide 9.882 by 81, we get approximately 0.122.
Check for any remainder: Check for any remainder.Since we are working with decimal numbers, we can continue dividing until we reach a reasonable level of precision or until the division ends. In this case, 0.122 is the quotient rounded to three decimal places, which matches the number of decimal places in the dividend.
Place the decimal point in the quotient: Place the decimal point in the quotient.The decimal point in the quotient should be directly above the decimal point in the dividend. Therefore, the final answer is 0.122.
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