Identify Numbers: Identify the numbers to be divided.We have the dividend 1.36 and the divisor 1.7. We need to find out how many times 1.7 goes into 1.36.
Set Up Division: Set up the division.We will divide 1.36 by 1.7. To make the division easier, we can multiply both the dividend and the divisor by 10 to eliminate the decimal points.1.36×10=13.61.7×10=17Now we have 13.6÷17.
Perform Division: Perform the division.Divide 13.6 by 17. Since 17 is larger than 13.6, the quotient will be less than 1.13.6÷17≈0.8 (rounded to one decimal place for simplicity)
Check Result: Check the result.Multiplying the quotient by the divisor should give us the dividend (approximately, due to rounding).0.8×17≈13.6Since we rounded the quotient to one decimal place, the result is close to the original dividend of 13.6.
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