Set up division problem: Set up the division problem in a way that we can handle it easily. Since dividing by a decimal can be tricky, we can simplify the process by converting the divisor into a whole number. To do this, we multiply both the divisor and the dividend by the same power of 10 that will make the divisor a whole number. In this case, we can multiply both by 100 to move the decimal two places to the right.Calculation: 0.96×100=96 and 758.4×100=75840Math error check:
Convert divisor to whole number: Now that we have whole numbers, we can proceed with the division. Divide 75840 by 96.Calculation: 75840÷96Math error check:
Perform division: Perform the division either by long division or using a calculator.Calculation: 75840÷96=790Math error check:
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