Eliminate decimal from divisor: Eliminate the decimal from the divisor.To divide by a decimal, we can shift the decimal point in both the divisor (0.83) and the dividend (48.389) to the right to make the divisor a whole number. We need to move the decimal two places to the right in both numbers.
Rewrite expression without decimals: Rewrite the expression without decimals.After shifting the decimal two places to the right, 0.83 becomes 83 and 48.389 becomes 4838.9.
Perform the division: Perform the division.Now we divide 4838.9 by 83.4838.9÷83=58.3 (rounded to one decimal place for simplicity)
Check the result: Check the result.To check the result, we can multiply the quotient by the divisor to see if we get the original dividend.58.3×83≈4838.9 (rounded to one decimal place for simplicity)
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