Eliminate decimal from divisor: Eliminate the decimal from the divisor.To divide by a decimal, we can shift the decimal point in both the divisor and the dividend to make the divisor a whole number. Since 0.61 has two decimal places, we multiply both numbers by 100.390.4 becomes 39040 and 0.61 becomes 61.
Divide the new numbers: Divide the new numbers.Now we divide 39040 by 61.39040÷61=640
Check for any remainder: Check for any remainder.In this case, there is no remainder, so 39040 divided by 61 is exactly 640.
Verify the result: Verify the result.To ensure there are no mistakes, we can multiply the quotient by the divisor to see if we get the original dividend.640×61=39040Since this matches our adjusted dividend, the division is correct.
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