Eliminate Decimal: To make the division simpler, we can eliminate the decimal from the divisor (0.58) by multiplying both the divisor and the dividend by 100. This will not change the value of the quotient but will make the numbers easier to work with.
Multiply by 100: After multiplying both the divisor and the dividend by 100, we get: 34220÷58
Divide 34220 by 58: Now we can divide 34220 by 58. We can start by seeing how many times 58 goes into 342. Since 58×5=290 and 58×6=348, which is too much, we know that 58 goes into 342 a total of 580 times.
Subtract 5 Times 58: Subtracting 5 times 58 from 342, we get:342−(5×58)=342−290=52Now we bring down the next digit from the dividend, which is 2, making it 522.
Bring Down Next Digit: Next, we determine how many times 58 goes into 522. Since 58×9=522, we know that 58 goes into 522 exactly 9 times.
Determine 58 Goes into 522: After subtracting 9 times 58 from 522, we get:522−(9×58)=522−522=0Since there are no more digits to bring down, we have completed the division.
Subtract 9 Times 58: The quotient of 342.2 divided by 0.58 is therefore 590.
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