Set up division problem: Set up the division problem.We need to divide 33.366 by 6.7 to find out how many times 6.7 goes into 33.366.
Align decimal points: Align the decimal points and adjust the divisor and dividend.To make the division simpler, we can multiply both the divisor and the dividend by 10 to eliminate the decimal from the divisor. This gives us 333.66÷67.
Perform division: Perform the division.Now we divide 333.66 by 67. We can estimate that 67 goes into 333 around 5 times because 5×67 is 335, which is close to 333.66.
Calculate exact division: Calculate the exact division. 67 goes into 333.66 exactly 4 times (since 4×67=268), with a remainder. We then bring down the next digit, which is 6, to get 656.
Continue division: Continue the division. 67 goes into 656 approximately 9 times (since 9×67=603), with a remainder. We then bring down the last digit, which is 6, to get 5366.
Finish division: Finish the division.67 goes into 5366 exactly 8 times (since 8×67=536), with a remainder of 0. Therefore, the division is complete.
Write final answer: Write the final answer.After completing the division, we find that 6.7 goes into 33.366 exactly 4.98 times.
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