Set up the division problem: Set up the division problem.We need to divide 3.478 by 37. We can set this up as a long division problem where 3.478 is the dividend and 37 is the divisor.
Adjust the dividend: Determine if we need to adjust the dividend.Since the dividend has three decimal places, we can multiply both the dividend and the divisor by 1000 to make the dividend a whole number. This will not change the value of the quotient.3.478×1000=347837×1000=37000Now we have 3478÷37000.
Perform the division: Perform the division.We can see that 37 does not go into 3 or 34, but it does go into 347. To find out how many times, we can estimate. 37 is close to 40, and 340 divided by 40 is 8.5, which is too high because 37 is less than 40. Let's try 31.32This is less than 347, so we can subtract 34 from 347.36Bring down the next digit, which is 37, to get 38.
Continue the division: Continue the division.Now we need to see how many times 37 goes into 148. Again, we can estimate. 37 is close to 40, and 140 divided by 40 is 3.5, which is too high. Let's try 4.37×4=148This is exactly 148, so we can subtract 148 from 148.1482Since there are no more digits to bring down, we have completed the division.
Write the final answer: Write the final answer.The quotient of 3478 divided by 37000 is 0.094. Since we multiplied the dividend and divisor by 1000 in step 2, we do not need to adjust the decimal place in our final answer.
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