Set up division problem: Set up the division problem.We need to divide 3.162 by 51. We can write this as 3.162÷51 or as a long division problem.
Adjust decimal point: Determine if we need to adjust the decimal point.Since 3.162 is already a decimal and 51 is a whole number, we do not need to adjust the decimal point before we begin the division.
Begin long division process: Begin the long division process.We start dividing 51 into the first digit of 3.162, which is 3. Since 51 cannot go into 3, we look at the first two digits, which is 31. 51 goes into 31 zero times, so we consider the first three digits, which is 316.
Divide 51 into 316: Divide 51 into 316. 51 goes into 316 six times because 6×51=306. We write 6 above the line in the quotient and subtract 306 from 316, which leaves us with a remainder of 10.
Bring down next digit: Bring down the next digit. We bring down the next digit of the dividend, which is 2, to join with the remainder of 10, making it 102.
Divide 51 into 102: Divide 51 into 102. 51 goes into 102 exactly two times because 2×51=102. We write 2 above the line in the quotient and subtract 102 from 102, which leaves us with a remainder of 0.
Check for remaining digits: Check for any remaining digits. Since there are no more digits to bring down and our remainder is 0, we have completed the division.
Write final answer: Write the final answer.The quotient of 3.162 divided by 51 is 0.062.
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