Convert Divisor to Whole Number: Align the decimal points for division by converting the divisor to a whole number. To do this, we need to move the decimal point in the divisor (0.35) two places to the right, which will make it 35. To keep the division equivalent, we must also move the decimal point in the dividend (3.045) two places to the right, which will make it 304.5.
Divide 304.5 by 35: Now, divide 304.5 by 35. To do this, we can set up long division or use a calculator. If we set up long division, we would find how many times 35 can go into 304.5.
Find Remainder: Perform the division. 35 goes into 304.5 approximately 8 times (since 35×8=280), with a remainder. We place the 8 in the quotient above the division bar.
Continue Division: Subtract 280 from 304.5 to find the remainder. 304.5−280=24.5. Write the remainder below 280.
Divide 245 by 35: Bring down the next digit (which, in this case, is a 5 after the decimal point in 304.5) to continue the division. Now we have 245.
Complete Division: Divide 245 by 35. 35 goes into 245 exactly 7 times (since 35×7=245). Write the 7 next to the 8 in the quotient, making the quotient 87.
Complete Division: Divide 245 by 35. 35 goes into 245 exactly 7 times (since 35×7=245). Write the 7 next to the 8 in the quotient, making the quotient 87. Since there is no remainder after this step, we have completed the division. The quotient is 87.
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