Set up division problem: Set up the division problem.We need to divide 29.88 by 0.36 to find out how many times 0.36 goes into 29.88.
Adjust for easier calculation: Adjust the division problem for easier calculation.To avoid dealing with decimals, we can multiply both the dividend (29.88) and the divisor (0.36) by 100 to make them both whole numbers. This does not change the quotient, it just makes the calculation easier.29.88×100=29880.36×100=36Now, we have a new division problem: 2988÷36.
Perform the division: Perform the division.Divide 2988 by 36 to find the quotient.2988÷36=83
Verify the result: Verify the result.To check our division, we can multiply the quotient by the divisor to see if we get the original dividend.83×36=2988Since 2988 matches our adjusted dividend, our division is correct.
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