Set up division problem: Set up the division problem in long division format. We are dividing 2.332 by 2.2. Align the decimal points and add a zero to the dividend if necessary for easier division.
Adjust decimal points: Since we are dividing by a number with a decimal, we need to make the divisor a whole number. To do this, we move the decimal point one place to the right in the divisor (2.2 becomes 22). We must do the same to the dividend, moving the decimal point one place to the right (2.332 becomes 23.32).
Divide first quotient: Now we divide 22 into 23.32. 22 goes into 23 once. We write 1 above the line, and then we multiply 1 by 22 and write the result (22) below the 23.
Subtract and bring down: Subtract 22 from 23 to find the remainder. 23−22 equals 1. Bring down the next digit (3) to make the new number 13.
Continue division: Now we divide 22 into 132. 22 goes into 132 six times. We write 6 above the line, and then we multiply 6 by 22 and write the result (132) below the 132.
Subtract and bring down: Subtract 132 from 132 to find the remainder. 132−132 equals 0. Bring down the next digit (2) to make the new number 2.
Division with remainder: Now we divide 22 into 20. Since 22 does not go into 20, we write 0 above the line. We can add a zero to the dividend (making it 20.0) and bring it down to continue the division.
Continue division: Now we divide 22 into 200. 22 goes into 200 nine times. We write 9 above the line, and then we multiply 9 by 22 and write the result (198) below the 200.
Final subtraction: Subtract 198 from 200 to find the remainder. 200−198 equals 2. Since the remainder is less than the divisor and we have no more digits to bring down, we can stop the division here.
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