Set up division problem: Set up the division problem in long division format. Place 2.079 inside the division bracket and 2.7 outside as the divisor.
Add zero to dividend: Since 2.7 is greater than 2.079, we know that the quotient will be less than 1. We can add a zero to 2.079, making it 20.79, to make it larger than the divisor.
Estimate division: Determine how many times 2.7 goes into 20.79. We can estimate that 2.7 goes into 20.79 about 7 times because 2.7 times 7 is 18.9, which is close to 20.79 without going over.
Multiply and subtract: Multiply 2.7 by 7 to subtract from 20.79. 2.7×7=18.9.
Find remainder: Subtract 18.9 from 20.79 to find the remainder. 20.79−18.9=1.89.
Bring down next digit: Bring down the next digit (which is a zero since we are now working with decimals), making the new number 18.90.
Determine division again: Determine how many times 2.7 goes into 18.90. We can see that it goes in 7 times again because 2.7×7 is 18.9.
Multiply and subtract: Multiply 2.7 by 7 and subtract from 18.90. 2.7×7=18.9.
Find new remainder: Subtract 18.9 from 18.90 to find the new remainder. 18.90−18.9=0.
Final quotient: Since the remainder is 0, we have found the quotient. The quotient is 0.77.
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