Eliminate decimal from divisor: Eliminate the decimal from the divisor.To divide by a decimal, we can shift the decimal point in both the divisor (0.63) and the dividend (195.3) to the right to make the divisor a whole number. We need to move the decimal two places to the right in both numbers.0.63 becomes 63 and 195.3 becomes 19530.
Divide new dividend by new divisor: Divide the new dividend by the new divisor.Now we divide 19530 by 63.19530÷63=310
Check for remainder: Check for any remainder.To ensure we have the complete answer, we need to check if there is any remainder when dividing 19530 by 63.19530÷63 gives a remainder of 0, so there is no remainder.
Write final answer: Write the final answer.Since there is no remainder, the final answer to the division problem is 310.
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