Multiply by 100: Set up the division problem in a way that is easier to handle by eliminating the decimals. To do this, we can multiply both the dividend (19.68) and the divisor (0.24) by the same power of 10 to make the divisor a whole number. Since the divisor has two decimal places, we multiply both numbers by 100.Calculation: 19.68×100=1968 and 0.24×100=24
Divide new dividend by new divisor: Now, divide the new dividend by the new divisor.Calculation: 1968÷24
Perform the division: Perform the division. 24 goes into 196 eight times (24×8=192), leaving a remainder of 4. Bring down the next digit (8) to make the new number 48. 24 goes into 48 exactly two times (24×2=48), with no remainder.Calculation: 1968÷24=82
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