Set up division problem: Set up the division problem in a way that is easy to work with. Since we are dividing two decimal numbers, we want to make the divisor a whole number. To do this, we can move the decimal point in the divisor 3.7 one place to the right to make it 37. To keep the division equivalent, we must also move the decimal point in the dividend 18.87 one place to the right, making it 188.7.
Start division process: Now that we have the equivalent division problem 188.7÷37, we can start the division process. We first see how many times 37 goes into 188. We know that 37 goes into 187 five times because 5×37 is 185, which is less than 188.
Find remainder and bring down: We subtract 185 from 188 to find the remainder. 188−185 gives us 3. We then bring down the next digit from the dividend, which is 7, making the new number 37.
Continue division process: Now we see how many times 37 goes into 37. It goes exactly one time. So we place 1 above the 7 in the quotient.
Finalize quotient: We multiply 1 by 37 and subtract the result from 37. 1 times 37 is 37, and 37−37 is 0. There are no more digits to bring down, so we have completed the division.
Place decimal point: Place the decimal point in the quotient. Since we moved the decimal one place to the right in the dividend at the beginning, we must ensure that the decimal point in the quotient is correctly placed. The decimal point goes directly above where it is in the dividend, so our final quotient is 5.1.
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