Identify Numbers: Identify the numbers involved in the division.We have the dividend 129.6 and the divisor 3.6. We need to find out how many times the divisor goes into the dividend.
Set Up Division: Set up the division problem.We will divide 129.6 by 3.6 to find the quotient.
Perform Division: Perform the division.To make the division easier, we can eliminate the decimal by multiplying both the dividend and the divisor by 10. This gives us 1296÷36.
Divide 1296 by 36: Divide 1296 by 36. We can do this by long division or by recognizing that 36 goes into 108 (which is 3 times 36) three times, and 1080 is ten times that amount, so 36 goes into 1080 thirty times. We then have 216 left (360), and 36 goes into 216 exactly six times. Therefore, 36 goes into 1296 thirty-six times (365).
Convert Quotient: Convert the quotient back to account for the decimal place we removed earlier.Since we multiplied both the dividend and the divisor by 10 in Step 3, we do not need to adjust our final answer. The quotient is 36.
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