Set up division problem: Set up the division problem in a way that the divisor is a whole number. To do this, we need to move the decimal point in the divisor (0.43) two places to the right to make it 43. To keep the division equivalent, we must also move the decimal point in the dividend (11.18) the same number of places to the right, making it 1118.
Divide 1118 by 43: Now, divide 1118 by 43. Start by determining how many times 43 can go into 1118. 43 goes into 1112 times (since 43×2=86, and 43×3=129, which is too much). Write down 2, multiply 2 by 43, and subtract the result from 111 to find the remainder.
Determine remainder: After subtracting 86 from 111, we have a remainder of 25. Bring down the next digit, which is 8, to make the number 258. Now, determine how many times 43 goes into 258. 43 goes into 2586 times (since 1110). Write down 6, multiply 6 by 43, and subtract the result from 258 to find the remainder.
Finalize quotient: After subtracting 258 from 258, the remainder is 0. This means that 43 goes into 1118 exactly 26 times. Since we moved the decimal point two places to the right at the beginning, we need to move the decimal point two places to the left in our answer to get the correct placement.
Adjust decimal point: Moving the decimal point two places to the left in our answer gives us 26.00. Therefore, 0.43 goes into 11.18 exactly 26.00 times.
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