Set up division problem: Set up the division problem in a way that is easy to work with. Since we are dividing two decimal numbers, we can make the division simpler by multiplying both the dividend (10.56) and the divisor (9.6) by the same power of 10 to make the divisor a whole number. We can multiply both by 10 to move the decimal one place to the right.10.56×10=105.69.6×10=96Now, we have a new division problem: 105.6÷96.
Perform the division: Perform the division. We divide 105.6 by 96. 105.6÷96=1.1This is because 96 goes into 105 once with a remainder, and when we bring down the 6, we get 96 going into 96 once again.
Check for errors: Check the result for any mathematical errors. We can multiply the quotient by the divisor to see if we get the original dividend.1.1×96=105.6Since 105.6 is the original dividend, our division is correct.
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