Set up division problem: Set up the division problem in a way that the divisor is a whole number. To do this, we need to move the decimal point in both the dividend (10.56) and the divisor (4.4) one place to the right. This will make the divisor 44 instead of 4.4, and the dividend will become 105.6 instead of 10.56.
Estimate division: Now, divide 105.6 by 44. To do this, we can estimate how many times 44 goes into 105.6. Since 44 is close to 40, and 40 goes into 100 twice with a little left over, we can start by estimating that 44 will go into 105.6 about twice.
Perform division: Perform the division. 44 goes into 105 two times (2×44=88), and when we subtract 88 from 105.6, we get 17.6. Now we need to determine how many times 44 goes into 176.
Estimate remainder division: Since 44 is close to 40, and 40 goes into 160 four times, we can estimate that 44 will go into 176 about four times. Let's try multiplying 44 by 4 to see if it fits. 4×44=176. This fits perfectly, so we can add 0.4 to our quotient.
Combine quotient: Combine the whole number and the decimal part of the quotient. We have 2 from our initial division and 0.4 from the second part, so the quotient is 2.4.
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