Eliminate decimal from divisor: Eliminate the decimal from the divisor.To divide by a decimal, we can multiply both the divisor and the dividend by the same power of 10 to make the divisor a whole number. In this case, we multiply both by 102 (or 100) to eliminate the decimal places in 0.19, which becomes 19.1.691×100=169.10.19×100=19
Divide new dividend by new divisor: Divide the new dividend by the new divisor.Now we divide 169.1 by 19.169.1÷19=8.9
Check for math errors: Check for math errors.We can multiply the quotient by the divisor to see if we get the original dividend.8.9×19=169.1Since 169.1 is the number we got after adjusting the original dividend, there are no math errors.
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