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A die is created by smoothing the corners of a plastic cube and carving indented pips. The original cube had an edge length of 2 centimeters 
(cm). The volume of the final die is 
7.5cm^(3). What is the volume of the waste generated by creating the die from the cube in 
cm^(3) ?

A die is created by smoothing the corners of a plastic cube and carving indented pips. The original cube had an edge length of 22 centimeters (cm) (\mathrm{cm}) . The volume of the final die is 7.5 cm3 7.5 \mathrm{~cm}^{3} . What is the volume of the waste generated by creating the die from the cube in cm3 \mathrm{cm}^{3} ?

Full solution

Q. A die is created by smoothing the corners of a plastic cube and carving indented pips. The original cube had an edge length of 22 centimeters (cm) (\mathrm{cm}) . The volume of the final die is 7.5 cm3 7.5 \mathrm{~cm}^{3} . What is the volume of the waste generated by creating the die from the cube in cm3 \mathrm{cm}^{3} ?
  1. Calculate volume of original cube: The volume of a cube is given by the formula V=s3V = s^3, where ss is the length of a side of the cube.\newlineVcube=2cm×2cm×2cm=8cm3V_{\text{cube}} = 2 \, \text{cm} \times 2 \, \text{cm} \times 2 \, \text{cm} = 8 \, \text{cm}^3
  2. Determine volume of final die: The volume of the final die is given as 7.5cm37.5\,\text{cm}^3.
  3. Calculate volume of waste material: The volume of the waste is the difference between the volume of the original cube and the volume of the final die.\newlineVolumewaste=VcubeVdie\text{Volume}_{\text{waste}} = \text{V}_{\text{cube}} - \text{V}_{\text{die}}\newlineVolumewaste=8cm37.5cm3=0.5cm3\text{Volume}_{\text{waste}} = 8 \, \text{cm}^3 - 7.5 \, \text{cm}^3 = 0.5 \, \text{cm}^3

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