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3333 In which example is the current 1.0A1.0\,\text{A}?\newlineA a 10V10\,\text{V} lamp with input power 0.10W0.10\,\text{W}\newlineP=I2I^{2}, E=II\newlineB a resistor of resistance 0.50Ω0.50\,\Omega with a potential difference (P.d.) of 2.0V2.0\,\text{V} across it\newlineC two resistors with a current of 0.50A0.50\,\text{A} connected in series

Full solution

Q. 3333 In which example is the current 1.0A1.0\,\text{A}?\newlineA a 10V10\,\text{V} lamp with input power 0.10W0.10\,\text{W}\newlineP=I2I^{2}, E=II\newlineB a resistor of resistance 0.50Ω0.50\,\Omega with a potential difference (P.d.) of 2.0V2.0\,\text{V} across it\newlineC two resistors with a current of 0.50A0.50\,\text{A} connected in series
  1. Identify Formula: Identify the formula to use for each option and calculate the current.\newlineOption A: 10V10\,\text{V} lamp with input power 0.10ix0.10\,\text{ix}. Using P=I2P = I^2, solve for II.\newlineI=P=0.10=0.316A.I = \sqrt{P} = \sqrt{0.10} = 0.316\,\text{A}.
  2. Calculate Option A: Option B is not clearly defined in the problem statement, so skip to Option C.\newlineOption C: A resistor of resistance 0.50Ω0.50 \, \Omega with a potential difference of 2.0V2.0\,V across it. Using Ohm's Law, I=VRI = \frac{V}{R}.\newlineI=2.0V0.50Ω=4.0AI = \frac{2.0\,V}{0.50\,\Omega} = 4.0\,A.
  3. Skip to Option C: Option D: Two resistors with a current of 0.50A0.50\,\text{A} connected in series. The total current in a series circuit is the same through each component.\newlineI=0.50A.I = 0.50\,\text{A}.

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