Q. 110015+501+1.175=Enter the answer as an exact decimal or simplified fraction.
Convert Terms to Decimals or Fractions: Convert all terms to decimals or fractions for easy addition. 1(10015) can be simplified to 10015, which is equivalent to 0.15 when converted to a decimal. (501) is equivalent to 1002 when simplified, which is 0.02 as a decimal. 1.175 is already in decimal form.
Add Decimals Together: Add the decimals together.Now we add 0.15, 0.02, and 1.175 together.0.15+0.02+1.175=1.345
Check Result: Check the result.Adding the decimals again to ensure there is no addition error.0.15+0.02+1.175 indeed equals 1.345.