Find Common Denominator: Find a common denominator for the fractions to combine them.The common denominator for 3 and 2 is 6. We will multiply each term by 6 to eliminate the denominators.32x+7×6−2x−3×6=4x×6
Distribute 6 to Numerators: Distribute the 6 to each term in the numerators.(2x+7)×2−(x−3)×3=24x4x+14−3x+9=24x
Combine Like Terms: Combine like terms.4x+14−3x+9=24x(4x−3x)+(14+9)=24xx+23=24x
Move Terms with x: Move all terms containing x to one side of the equation.x−24x+23=0−23x+23=0
Isolate x: Isolate x by moving the constant term to the other side.−23x=−23
Divide by −23: Divide both sides by −23 to solve for x.x=−23−23x=1