Find Common Denominator: Find a common denominator to combine the fractions on the left side of the inequality.The common denominator for 5 and 3 is 15.Multiply each term by 15 to eliminate the denominators.$(\(15\) \times (\(2\)x\(-3\)))/\(5\) - (\(15\) \times x)/\(3\) \leq \(15\) \times \(2\)
Simplify Terms: Combine like terms on the left side of the inequality.\(\newline\)\(6x - 5x - 9 \leq 30\)\(\newline\)\(x - 9 \leq 30\)
Combine Like Terms: Isolate the variable \(x\) on one side of the inequality.\(\newline\)Add \(9\) to both sides of the inequality.\(\newline\)\(x - 9 + 9 \leq 30 + 9\)\(\newline\)\(x \leq 39\)
Isolate Variable: Write the final solution as an inequality.\(\newline\)The solution to the inequality is \(x \leq 39\).