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Which compound inequality represents the value of x?x ? \newline(x - 1)(x + 1) > 0\newline

Full solution

Q. Which compound inequality represents the value of x?x ? \newline(x1)(x+1)>0(x - 1)(x + 1) > 0\newline
  1. Find Zeros: Find the zeros of the quadratic by setting each factor to zero.\newlinex1=0x - 1 = 0 gives x=1x = 1.\newlinex+1=0x + 1 = 0 gives x=1x = -1.
  2. Determine Intervals: Determine the intervals to test around the zeros: (,1)(-\infty, -1), (1,1)(-1, 1), and (1,)(1, \infty).
  3. Test Around Zeros: Test a value from the interval (,1)(-\infty, -1), say x=2x = -2.\newline(21)(2+1)=(3)(1)=3(-2 – 1)(-2 + 1) = (-3)(-1) = 3, which is positive.
  4. Combine Positive Intervals: Test a value from the interval (1,1)(-1, 1), say x=0x = 0.(01)(0+1)=(1)(1)=1(0 - 1)(0 + 1) = (-1)(1) = -1, which is negative.
  5. Combine Positive Intervals: Test a value from the interval (1,1)(-1, 1), say x=0x = 0.(01)(0+1)=(1)(1)=1(0 - 1)(0 + 1) = (-1)(1) = -1, which is negative.Test a value from the interval (1,)(1, \infty), say x=2x = 2.(21)(2+1)=(1)(3)=3(2 - 1)(2 + 1) = (1)(3) = 3, which is positive.
  6. Combine Positive Intervals: Test a value from the interval (1,1)(-1, 1), say x=0x = 0.(01)(0+1)=(1)(1)=1(0 - 1)(0 + 1) = (-1)(1) = -1, which is negative.Test a value from the interval (1,)(1, \infty), say x=2x = 2.(21)(2+1)=(1)(3)=3(2 - 1)(2 + 1) = (1)(3) = 3, which is positive.Combine the intervals where the expression is positive. The solution is x < -1 or x > 1.

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