Combine fractions: Combine the fractions with the same denominator.Since (−243)/(58) and (719)/(58) have the same denominator, we can combine them by adding their numerators. The fraction(273)/(−58) also has the same denominator, so we can include it in the sum by subtracting its numerator (since it's divided by a negative number).(−243)/(58)+(719)/(58)−(273)/(58)
Perform operations: Perform the addition and subtraction of the numerators.Now we add and subtract the numerators:(−243)+(719)−(273)=719−243−273
Calculate result: Calculate the result of the numerators' operation.Now we perform the actual calculations:719−243−273= 476−273= 203
Place over denominator: Place the result over the common denominator.Now that we have the result of the numerators' operation, we place it over the common denominator:58203
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