<p>Figure `DEF` is reflected over the `x`-axis to create Figure `JKL`.</p><p>Draw Figure `JKL`.</p><selectivedisplay data-props='{"show_in_create":true, "show_in_problem_qa": true}'><InteractiveGraph data-props='{ "options": { "x_min": -5, "y_min": -5, "y_max": 5, "x_max": 5, "cell_size": 15, "x_interval": 0.5, "y_interval": 0.5, "x_skip_interval": "1", "y_skip_interval": "1", "show_major_and_minor_grid_lines": true }, "points": [ { "id": 0, "is_interactive": false, "label": "D", "x": 3.5, "y": -2, "label_color": "black", "color": "black" }, { "id": 1, "is_interactive": false, "label": "E", "x": 4, "y": -3.5, "label_color": "black", "color": "black" }, { "id": 2, "is_interactive": false, "label": "F", "x": 0, "y": -3, "label_color": "black", "color": "black" }, { "id": 3, "is_interactive": true, "label": "J", "label_color": "black", "color": "blue" }, { "id": 4, "is_interactive": true, "label": "K", "label_color": "black", "color": "blue" }, { "id": 5, "is_interactive": true, "label": "L", "label_color": "black", "color": "blue" } ], "line_segments": [ { "first_point_id": 0, "second_point_id": 1, "color": "black", "is_segment": true }, { "first_point_id": 1, "second_point_id": 2, "color": "black", "is_segment": true }, { "first_point_id": 2, "second_point_id": 0, "color": "black", "is_segment": true }, { "first_point_id": 3, "second_point_id": 4, "color": "blue", "is_segment": true }, { "first_point_id": 4, "second_point_id": 5, "color": "blue", "is_segment": true }, { "first_point_id": 5, "second_point_id": 3, "color": "blue", "is_segment": true } ], "polygons": [ { "id": 0, "num_of_points": 3, "polygon_points_id": [ 0, 1, 2 ], "polygon_fill_color": "#BEBEC033", "is_interactive": false }, { "id": 1, "num_of_points": 3, "polygon_points_id": [ 3, 4, 5 ], "polygon_fill_color": "#0066FF33" } ], "total_interactive_inputs": 3, "mode": "POLYGON"}'></InteractiveGraph ></selectivedisplay>