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Review of Exponent Rules Lesson Plan


At this point in the unit, students have learned the conceptual reasoning behind all the rules or laws of exponents. Before combining the use of multiple rules into one problem, this lesson allows students to practice recognizing what rule should be used in a single problem. We’ll practice this with a dice game and some additional ByteLearn practice. You can expect this lesson to take one `45`-minute class period.

Grade 8
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Students will be able to simplify exponential expressions using the rules of exponents.


  • Reference Sheet/ Anchor Chart
  • Slideshow
  • Exponent Review Dice Game
  • Dice
  • Online Practice

How to Teach a Review of Exponent Rules

Review of all rules of exponents

At the beginning of class, pass out copies of the reference sheet for each student. You can use the slideshow to display one rule at a time in the front of the classroom.

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You’ll review each exponent rule, pointing out specific differences in each. For example, I always like to explicitly remind students that when powers are multiplied, we add the exponents. But, when a power is raised to another power, that is when we multiply the exponents. Spend about `5-10` minutes reviewing each of the exponent rules and their examples on the reference sheet.

*Teacher tip: You can print out a poster size version of the reference sheet to use as an anchor chart in your classroom!

Exponent Review Dice Game

Have students partner-up. You can assign partners or have them choose themselves. Each pair gets `1` half-sheet of “Exponents Review Dice Game”. Each student gets `1` half-sheet of “Student Answer Sheet”. There is an additional Teacher Answer Key. Keep that to check student answers as they finish. 

Here’s how it works:

  • Say it is Partner A’s turn. They’ll roll the die and see what number they land on. That will decide which column they choose a problem from. They can answer any problem in that column for `1` or `3` points. They’ll record their final answer in their Student Answer Sheet. Once Partner A is done with their problem, they’ll cross it out on the board and it will be Partner B’s turn. 
  • Each partner will take turns until the entire board is complete! 
  • *Teacher tip: Before you get started, have students vote on what the rule should be for if a player rolls a number and all the problems in that column are already complete! Students love being given a CHOICE!
    • Should they roll again?
    • Should they lose that turn?
  • When a group is finished, have them raise their hands so you can go over and check their answers. Then have them tally up their points!

Exponents Practice

After you’ve completed the examples with the whole class, it’s time for some independent practice! ByteLearn gives you access to tons of exponents activities. Check out the online practice and assign to your students for classwork and/or homework!

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Exponents Practice
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