Find Area Of Composite Figures (Rectangles And Semicircles) Worksheet

Grade 7
Surface Area And Volume

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Teaching Solve for Find Area of Composite Figures (Rectangles and Semicircles) Easily 


Follow the steps given below to find the area of composite figures (rectangles and semicircles) easily.


Step 1: Divide the composite figure into basic figures. For example, if you have a composite figure composed of a rectangle and a semicircle, separate both of them.

Step 2: Find the area of each basic figure separately. This means that the area of a rectangle and the area of a semicircle will be found out separately. 

Step 3: Add different areas that have been found out and then write the answer in square units.

Why Should You Use a Find Area of Composite Figures (Rectangles and Semicircles) Worksheet for Your Students? 


  • Find the area of composite figures (rectangles and semicircles) worksheet will help your students in understanding formulas for various two-dimensional figures.
  • Finding the area of a composite figures worksheet will help them find out areas of various real-life shapes that are similar to the composite figures. 


Download Interpret Find Area of Composite Figures (Rectangles Semicircles) Worksheets PDF


You can download and print these super fun find area of composite figures (rectangles and semicircles) worksheets pdf from here for your students. You can also try our Interpret Find Area of Composite Figures (Rectangles Semicircles) Quiz and Interpret Find Area of Composite Figures (Rectangles Semicircles) Problems as well for a better understanding of the concepts.

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About Worksheet

Grade 7
Surface Area And Volume

Composite figures consist of two or more different figures. For example, a rectangle and a semicircle can be put together to form a different shape. We can find these composite figures in our everyday lives. To find out the area of these figures, we cannot apply the usual formula that we apply for finding out the area of usual figures like rectangles, circles, squares, and so on. 

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