<p>A square pyramid has a side length of `8` meters on the base and a slant height of `5` meters? </p><SquarePyramid3D data-props='{ "triangle_base": 8, "pyramid_height": 5, "faces": [ { "id": 1, "position": "front", "color": "#F8F8F8" }, { "id": 2, "position": "left", "color": "#F8F8F8" }, { "id": 3, "position": "back", "color": "#F8F8F8" }, { "id": 4, "position": "right", "color": "#F8F8F8" }, { "id": 5, "position": "bottom", "color": "#F8F8F8" } ], "edges": [ { "id": 1, "face": "front", "position": "left", "color": "#080808", "label": "5 yd" }, { "id": 2, "face": "front", "position": "right", "color": "#080808", "label": "5 yd" }, { "id": 3, "face": "front", "position": "bottom", "color": "#080808", "label": "5 yd" }, { "id": 4, "face": "back", "position": "left", "color": "#080808", "label": "5 yd" }, { "id": 5, "face": "back", "position": "right", "color": "#080808", "label": "5 yd" }, { "id": 6, "face": "back", "position": "bottom", "color": "#080808", "label": "5 yd" }, { "id": 7, "face": "right", "position": "bottom", "color": "#080808", "label": "5yd" }, { "id": 8, "face": "left", "position": "bottom", "color": "#080808", "label": "5yd" } ], "face_altitude": { "show_altitude": true, "show_angle": true, "label": "5 m", "color": "black" }, "unit": "m", "show_default_labels": true, "animation_delay": 0, "animation_duration": 0, "animation_sequences": [], "show_animation": false}'></SquarePyramid3D ><p>What is the surface area of the square pyramid?</p>