<p>In the given figure, solve for the value of `p`.</p><AngleGraph data-props='{ "options": { "cell_size": 20, "rows": 13, "columns": 13, "padding": 1 }, "hide_points": false, "origin": { "x": 6.5, "y": 6, "label": "O","label_position": "bottom-right", "hide_point": false }, "lines": [ { "id": 1, "length": 6, "angle": 0, "end_vertex_label": "A", "color": "black", "extend": false }, { "id": 2, "length": 6, "angle": 73, "end_vertex_label": "B", "extend": false }, { "id": 3, "length": 6, "angle": 181, "end_vertex_label": "C", "extend": false }, { "id": 4, "length": 6, "angle": 245, "end_vertex_label": "D", "color": "black", "extend": false } ], "arcs": [ { "from_id": 1, "to_id": 2, "radius": "m", "color": "black", "hash_marks": 0, "label": "73°", "show_arc": false }, { "from_id": 2, "to_id": 3, "radius": "l", "color": "black", "hash_marks": 0, "label": "108°", "show_arc": false }, { "from_id": 3, "to_id": 4, "radius": "s", "color": "black", "hash_marks": 0, "label": "64°", "show_arc": false }, { "from_id": 4, "to_id": 1, "radius": "m", "color": "black", "hash_marks": 0, "label": " p°", "show_arc": true } ], "debug": false}'></AngleGraph >