Solve Three Part Ratio Problems (Word Problems) Worksheet

Grade 6
Ratios And Rates

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Solve three-part ratio word problems worksheets


Three-part ratios are used to compare three distinct quantities but in the same units. For example, the ratio of three different colour balls in the bag can be written as 5:3:2. It represents 5 parts of colour-1 balls, 3 parts of colour-2 balls, and 2 parts of colour-3 balls from a total of 10 balls.

The ratio word problems worksheet has many examples and questions on three-part ratios that improve students’ skills.


Teaching the three-part ratio problems easily.


The three-part ratios are signified with the highest common factor (HCF) method.

Equivalence is the most important concept when solving three parts ratio word problems.

An example of solving a three-parts ratio problem.

Q. A customized muesli mixture contains rice, corn, and millet in the ratio of 2:3:5. If one packet has 3 pounds of rice, calculate the amount of millet it has.


Step 1: Making equations with variables.

Let the amount of millet be m.

Write the cereal ratio as a fraction.

Rice / millet = 2/5 = 3/m

Step 2: Solving the above equation with cross multiplication.

2 × m = 3 × 5

2m = 15

Step 3: Isolating variable

m = 15/2 = 7.5

So, the mixture contains 7.5 pounds of millet.


Why Should you use multi-step ratio problems worksheets for your students in grade 6th?


Students can learn and enhance their knowledge of three-part ratios and ratio word problems with this Three-part ratio problems worksheet grade 6.

Also, solving the worksheet will strengthen their concepts of ratios used to solve problems.

One can get these three-part ratio problems word problems worksheets for their students by downloading the PDFs. You can also try our Solve Three Part Ratio Problems (Word Problems) Problems and Solve Three Part Ratio Problems (Word Problems) Quiz as well for a better understanding of the concepts.

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About Worksheet

Grade 6
Ratios And Rates

Three-part ratios are used to compare three distinct quantities but in the same units. For example, the ratio of three different colour balls in the bag can be written as 5:3:2. It represents 5 parts of colour-1 balls, 3 parts of colour-2 balls, and 2 parts of colour-3 balls from a total of 10 balls.

The ratio word problems worksheet has many examples and questions on three-part ratios that improve students’ skills.

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