<p>Aaron ordered a new laptop, and it was finally delivered today. The shipping box has the dimensions shown in the diagram. </p><p>How much space is inside the box?</br><highlight data-color="#666" data-style="italic">Write your answer as a whole number, simplified fraction, or exact decimal.</highlight></p></p><RectangularPrism3D data-props='{ "rectangle_base": 13, "prism_height": 3, "prism_length": 11.5, "height_oriantation_right": true, "rotate_y_axis": 0, "rotate_x_axis": 0, "interactive": false, "faces": [ { "id": 1, "position": "front", "color": "orange", "opacity": 0 }, { "id": 2, "position": "back", "opacity": 0, "color": "orange" }, { "id": 3, "position": "left", "opacity": 0, "color": "blue" }, { "id": 4, "position": "right", "opacity": 0, "color": "blue" }, { "id": 6, "position": "top", "opacity": 0, "color": "blue" }, { "id": 5, "position": "bottom", "color": "blue", "opacity": 0 } ], "edges": [ { "id": 3, "face": "front", "position": "bottom", "color": "black", "label": "13 in" }, { "id": 6, "face": "back", "position": "right", "color": "black", "label": "3 in" }, { "id": 10, "face": "right", "position": "bottom", "color": "black", "label": "11.5 in" } ], "unit": "in", "show_default_labels": false, "animation_delay": 0, "animation_duration": 0, "animation_sequences": [], "show_animation": false, "height_offset_y": 0.3, "zoom": 1.5, "base_offset_y": 0, "length_offset_y": 0.2}'></RectangularPrism3D>