Find Unit Rates With Hours And Minutes Problems

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#1 of 8: Mild

Find unit rates with hours and minutes

<p>Grayson is filling her backyard swimming pool for the summer. She uses her garden hose to add `39` gallons of water to the pool every `20` minutes. </p><p>At this rate, how many gallons of water will Grayson add to the pool in `1` hour?</p>

#2 of 8: Medium

Find unit rates with hours and minutes

<p>Jonathan is writing a paper for a college assignment. He has written `45` words in the last `6` minutes. </p><p>If he continues to write at the same rate, how many words will he add to his paper in the next hour?</p>

#3 of 8: Medium

Find unit rates with hours and minutes

<p>Daniel is running for 6th grade class president. He is making campaign buttons to hand out to let people know he is running. With his button machine, Daniel can make `5` buttons every `6` minutes. </p><p>If he continues to work at the same rate, how many buttons will Daniel be able to make in `1` hour?</p>

#4 of 8: Medium

Find unit rates with hours and minutes

<p>At a food processing plant, a line that processes water bottles can fill and cap `85` bottles in `2` minutes. </p><p>At this rate, how many water bottles are filled and capped on this line per hour?</p>

#5 of 8: Medium

Find unit rates with hours and minutes

<p>A mail carrier driving through a neighborhood delivers mail to `4` customers every `3` minutes. </p><p>If she continues to deliver mail at this rate, how many customers will receive their mail in `1` hour?</p>

#6 of 8: Spicy

Find unit rates with hours and minutes

<p>During a severe thunderstorm on Friday, rain fell at a rate of `3/5` inch every `12` minutes. </p><p>If rain continued to fall at this rate, how much rain fell in `1` hour?</p>

#7 of 8: Spicy

Find unit rates with hours and minutes

<p>Today is predicted to be a really hot day! The temperature in the morning has been rising by `1 1/2` degrees Fahrenheit every `30` minutes. </p><p>If the temperature continues to rise at this rate, how many degrees is the temperature increasing each hour?</p>

#8 of 8: Spicy

Find unit rates with hours and minutes

<p>Louella is knitting a scarf for her daughter. She can knit a length of `2.5` cm in `15` minutes. </p><p>At this rate, what is the length of the scarf that will Louella complete in `1` hour?</p>

Unit rates with respect to time represent how many units of one quantity are equivalent to one unit of time (in hours, minutes, or seconds). With the regular practice of Finding unit rates with hours and minutes Problems, students can improve their understanding of comparing variable units with respect to time. It will also help them solving distance, time, and speed problems.  


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Grade 6
Ratios And Rates

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Carmel, CA
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Stephen Abate
19-year math teacher
Carmel, CA
Any math teacher that I know would love to have access to ByteLearn.
Jennifer Maschino
4-year math teacher
Summerville, SC
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Rodolpho Loureiro
Dean, math program manager, principal
Miami, FL
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