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Nets of Solids Lesson Plan


In this lesson, students are introduced to the concept of nets of solids for `6`th graders with an engaging craft activity where students cut out different nets of solids, and decorate them to make a variety of prisms and pyramids to showcase around the classroom. 

Grade 6
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Students will be able to identify and represent three-dimensional figures using nets made up of triangles and rectangles.


  • Teacher slideshow
  • Nets (Print a variety of each net out on card stock and let students choose which one they want to decorate)
  • Identifying solids from nets worksheet
  • Colored pencils, crayons, or markers
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Online Practice

How to Teach Nets of Solids


Share with students that they will be decorating nets of solids today. Pass out the different types of nets to students and have them choose one that they would like to decorate. 

Once students have decorated their net, they will cut them out and assemble the net to create the prism or pyramid. Students will use tape to put it all together. Once assembled and all taped together, we will put them all over the room for decorations. 

Compare and contrast

Next, share slide one of the Teacher slideshow and have students compare and contrast pyramids and prisms. 

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Tell each student to start their thinking on their own. Tell them you want to be able to see their thinking on their paper, so make sure they write everything down. Watch students as they work. Give them about `2-3` minutes to work on their own.  


Then allow students to work together based on however you have desks set up in the classroom. They can share their ideas with each other and learn from their partner or group members! Discuss with the class once students are finished. Students may have a variety of responses from both being a three-dimensional figure to a prism having two identical bases and a pyramid only having one base. 

Identifying solids from nets activity

Pass out the worksheet on identifying solids from a net to students. Have students work with a partner to match up the net with the solid. If needed, slide two of the slideshow has a great summary of some of the key characteristics each net should have. As students finish up, go over each one to make sure they have the correct answer. 

Nets of Solids Practice

After students have completed their activity, it’s time for some independent practice! ByteLearn gives you access to tons of nets of solids activities. Check out their online practice and assign them to your students for classwork and/or homework!

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Nets of Solids Practice
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