Find Volume Of Cone Worksheet

Algebra 1
Geometry And Measurement

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How Will This Worksheet on “Find Volume of Cone” Benefit Your Student's Learning?

  • It enhances algebraic skills as students need to apply mathematical formulas, strengthening calculation abilities.
  • It enhances problem-solving skills as students learn to break down complex problems into manageable steps.
  • It is useful in real life for determining volume of ice cream or traffic cones or planning concrete needs for conical structures.
  • It helps us to handle advanced mathematical concepts, such as calculating the volume of complex shapes.

How to Find Volume of Cone?

  • Identify the radius and height of the cone.
  • Substitute the value of `r` and `h` in `V = \frac{1}{3} \pi r^2 h`.
  • Simplify the expression to find the volume of a cone.
  • Ensure the final answer is in cubic units.

Solved Example

Q. Find the volume of a right circular cone that has a height of 5.1 cm 5.1 \mathrm{~cm} and a base with a radius of 17.5 cm 17.5 \mathrm{~cm} . Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a cubic centimeter.
  1. Formula Explanation: The formula to calculate the volume of a right circular cone is V=(13)πr2hV = (\frac{1}{3})\pi r^2 h, where rr is the radius of the base and hh is the height of the cone.
  2. Plug in Values: First, we need to plug in the values for rr and hh into the formula.\newline The radius rr is 17.517.5 cm and the height hh is 5.15.1 cm.\newline V=13π(17.5)2(5.1)V = \frac{1}{3}\pi(17.5)^2(5.1)
  3. Calculate Radius Square: Now, we calculate the square of the radius, which is (17.5)2(17.5)^2.\newline(17.5)2=306.25(17.5)^2 = 306.25
  4. Calculate Volume: Next, we multiply the squared radius by the height and then by 13\frac{1}{3}.\newline\newline(306.25)(5.1)=1561.875(306.25)(5.1) = 1561.875\newline(13)(\frac{1}{3})×1561.875\times1561.875 is approximately 520.625520.625.
  5. Multiply by Pi: Now, we multiply this result by π\pi to get the volume.\newline520.625×π1635.5916cm3520.625 \times \pi \approx 1635.5916 \, \text{cm}^3
  6. Round to Nearest Tenth: Finally, we round the answer to the nearest tenth of a cubic centimeter.\newlineThe volume of the cone, rounded to the nearest tenth, is approximately 1635.6cm31635.6\,\text{cm}^3.
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About Worksheet

Algebra 1
Geometry And Measurement

Finding the volume of the cone involves calculating the amount of space inside the cube. A cone is a three-dimensional geometric shape and its volume is determined by a specific formula, which relates the cone's base radius and height. 

Volume of a cone formula is:

`V = \frac{1}{3} \pi r^2 h`

Where, `V` is the volume, `r` is the radius of the base and `h` is the height of the cone.

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